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Meet Trailblazer Kayla Scheffler

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kayla Scheffler.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I wasn’t always as interested in makeup artistry as I am today. Instead, ever since I was young I had a dream of becoming a distinguished hairdresser and opening up my own salon. Growing up with this in mind, I knew I needed to have a business education as well as a license to become a hairdresser. I grew up cutting, coloring and styling the hair of my friends and family; however I ended up getting more and more requests to do makeup instead. I found myself playing with makeup just like a painter that plays with paints. Makeup gave me the freedom to make mistakes and turn them into new creations.

As I went through business school, I started to offer makeup services to some of my classmates for special occasions. I did mostly elegant and natural makeup for others, but on my own time, I enjoyed trying to recreate looks from some of the best such as Pat McGrath, Kevyn Aucoin and Hung Vanngo. I became obsessed with improving my makeup techniques and doing looks that were out of my comfort zone.

My next stepping stone was traveling globally around Europe and Asia and connecting with the locals. It was interesting how others define beauty in their culture and how elements of their land served as a resource in their beauty regimen. Traveling gave me more clarity and inspiration on how I could incorporate the world’s perspective of beauty into my own artistry.

If I could share one piece of advice to anyone, it would be to make as many connections as you can because even if that one person you talk to isn’t in your industry, they may know someone who is. I developed relationships with fashion designers, makeup artists, models, and hairdressers. Through these connections, I have done more gigs producing my favorite avant-garde looks than ever before. There may be an abundance of makeup artists out there, but I am not afraid to put myself out there and let my imagination run.

I recently just came from working at Sephora Faneuil Hall, as a teacher and an artist to working at JSD Studio on Newbury Street. My time at Sephora was never wasted and I learned how to work with people of all colors, backgrounds and personalities. My confidence in my artistry and education grew tremendously and I was humbled to see it recognized by others. I was offered to join this immensely creative force as a coordinator at JSD Studio and the opportunity could not have been at a better time in my life. This new journey at JSD Studio will be my greatest one of all. I hope that other people will be inspired and want to follow the rest of my untold story.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
I was not able to get to where I am today without some obstacles on the road. The majority of my artistry, in the beginning, was self-taught which limited my ability to provide unique looks for some of my clients. I struggled with applications for different face shapes, colors, and textures. It wasn’t until I started my job at Sephora where I gained further education and was put into more circumstances where I had to learn all of the variables that come with makeup artistry. Every day, I took the initiative to expand my knowledge of products and application techniques. The one thing I notice that holds most people back is the fear of failure, and in this case, it is much more pressure because you are hired to make people feel and look beautiful. I always put the client first and I’m the first to take a challenge and practice new skills every day. A majority of my most creative looks have come from my mistakes. Do not let your own fear get in your way, let it fuel you.

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about makeuplushair – what should we know?
I love to open the eyes of my clients so they can see the beauty that only they hold. Everyone is so unique and my most inspiring moments are when I can make someone see beauty in a way they may not have noticed before. My favorite work is never typical. I enjoy doing unconventional work for fashion shows and photo shoots. I set myself apart from other artists because I can take an abstract idea and turn it into a visual effect through makeup.

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: makeuplushair

Image Credit:

Kayla Scheffler

Getting in touch: BostonVoyager is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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