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Meet Peter and Dr. Stacy Borans of Advanced Medical Strategies (AMS) in Lynnfield

Today we’d like to introduce you to Peter and Dr. Stacy Borans.

Early on in her medical career Dr. Borans recognized there was an alarming lack of information and pricing concerning medical claims. She knew she could bring her clinical expertise, as well as her financial understanding with regard to cost containment guidance, to help healthcare payers (e.g., insurance health plans, TPAs, HMOs) with their medical claims.

Stacy’s brother, Peter, spent his initial professional years managing operations for various software companies. He was responsible for all commercial facets of practice core solutions, including global product and service competencies. Peter quickly surmised that he could bring his business acumen and proficiency with data analytics to the world of healthcare.

In a meeting of the minds, the pair realized their combined experience could fill the void in healthcare claims technology that Stacy had recognized. Together they formed Advanced Medical Strategies (AMS), with Peter as President and Stacy as Chief Medical Officer. They knew payers’ problems with healthcare claims ran much deeper than simple cost containment issues. The industry needed business intelligence that would allow them to easily and accurately predict, evaluate, and manage high dollar healthcare claims.

They created the Predict Suite of software solutions, PredictRx, PredictDx, and ImplantDx, to combat the complexities of emerging high cost claims issues. In short, AMS provides tech-enabled healthcare solutions delivering crucial insight into catastrophic diagnoses, specialty pharmaceutical, and implant price transparency by means of clinically vetted, predictive financial analytics.

Has it been a smooth road?
We know the subject of healthcare insurance isn’t sexy. And people only really think about medical issues when they’re confronted with an illness, either in themselves or a loved one.

We also know that healthcare is expensive. But how much is too much? People get enraged at a $28 case of water during a disaster. Where’s the outrage when being billed $10 for one Tylenol? Or $100 for a bag of saline? How about $10,000.00 for a single surgical screw?

Regardless if you’re never sick a day in your life, if you have healthcare insurance you’re paying for these overpriced items through your skyrocketing premiums. That’s your money.

AMS exists to disrupt the status quo, bringing clarity and transparency to medical claims concerns & costs which the powers-that-be would rather not have disclosed. AMS is fighting the good fight every single day. Healthcare is expensive. But it doesn’t need to be THAT expensive.

We’d love to hear more about your business.
AMS is the Industry leader in strategic intelligence software for combatting emerging high-cost healthcare claims issues.

A catastrophic healthcare claim usually involves either severe medical diagnoses that require prolonged hospitalization or recovery (i.e., cancers, heart attack, renal [kidney] diseases, complex/chronic illnesses); or, expensive surgeries such as spinal fusions, joint (hip, knee) replacements, transplants, and angioplasty. The medical services, products, and medicines that are billed to the payer/patient must be reviewed for accuracy, necessity, and cost.

High-cost pharmaceuticals (aka specialty drugs) are often wildly inflated. And, believe it or not, prices for medical-surgical implants & devices (screws, rods, artificial joints, stents, and valves) are opaque—not even the healthcare payers know their true costs!

AMS provides business intelligence to payers to help them to accurately predict liabilities, set reserves, assess the need for cost containment, and validate standard of care treatments.

Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
Peter Borans and Stacy Borans are both tenacious entrepreneurs. Their diligence and fortitude in the fields of medicine, finance, and analytics is renowned throughout the healthcare industry.

Drug prices, governmental policies, medical protocols & procedures, and systemic industry guidelines are all in constant flux. AMS remains nimble and innovative to adapt to those ever-changing conventions. Stacy and Peter continue to have the foresight to keep AMS ahead of the curve by utilizing cutting edge technology, data, and information.

The AMS team are resolute in the company’s vision & purpose: to provide the very best intelligence for its member-subscribers through outstanding products and services.

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Getting in touch: BostonVoyager is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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