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Meet Jorgy Cruz and Pablo Minier of Longwood Media in West End

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jorgy Cruz and Pablo Minier.

Jorgy and Pablo, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
We started a little over a year ago, initially, our name was The Videology Company and we were focused on the medical field, medical device companies, pharma, etc. A few months in we quickly learned that things on this field move pretty slow, we all have a big passion for all things related to healthcare (I went to med school for 4 years, my partner is an actual MD) and how well-produced videos can create a huge impact in the educational aspect of the medical world, but in order to keep the company going we had to expand our clientele.

We changed names, open ourselves to working with marketing and ad agencies, and it’s been a blast. I’ve been directing and editing for the past decade, so I know how to work with agencies, I speak their language and understand fast turnarounds and keeping a lean budget when needed, and Pablo is ready to shoot at all times, no matter the project.

Right now we’ve been lucky enough to showcase what we can do with many new clients and especially by producing our original content with our two original series “le’ bostonians” and “I remember like it was yesterday”. Our goal is to tell stories with beautiful visuals, great pacing, and the proper soundtrack.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Smooth? Not at all, like every new business we struggled to get our name out there, with so much content generators on the market it’s hard to make your case, I mean people are shooting and editing on iPhones! Few people really take into account the importance of professional storytelling, it’s easy to go for the more ‘affordable’ option, but what’s the conversion rate? Does it engage your target? Do you stand out with a low-quality video? You could for a hot minute, but not anymore. It’s so easy to buy a decent camera and a $800 laptop and call yourself a “content producer”, but it just does not hold up.

Renting a space is getting more and more expensive, luckily for us, we don’t need a huge space, we store our equipment in our apartments but it’s tough if you don’t have enough funds to start out.

And finally, finding people that have a solid work ethic, that understand what needs to be done to take a business off the ground, that’s really tough.

Longwood Media – what should we know? What do you guys do best?
We specialize in storytelling and connecting with the audience, every shot, and every cut has a reason, we are obsessed with delivering the right message and giving every piece a film-like look and feel. We are known for our great attitude, punctuality, creative input, and very fast turnaround. We have vast experience in documentary work, as well as commercial pieces.

What are you most proud of as a company?
We’re going to be in theaters in March 2018 with our first feature documentary called “Funny Pains”, you can learn more at It took us 2 years to shoot and we are currently entering post-production.

What sets you apart from others?
Our work ethic is second to none, we always give the extra mile. We adore what we do, we have a lot of fun, but we take it very seriously. Whoever hires us had many options to go with and they decided to trust us and that means a whole lot to us. We pour our hearts into every single project.

What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
We are involved with two organizations that really give our profession new meaning, Beyond the Diagnosis, a foundation that tries to generate awareness for orphan diseases with beautiful paintings of children affected, and Community Supported Films, they train new immigrants and refugees how to produce, shoot and edit their own documentaries.

Helping produce high-quality videos to generate awareness for BTD and mentoring new immigrants and refugees on how to edit their footage, are by far our proudest moments.

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Getting in touch: BostonVoyager is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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