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Meet Deborah Weiss

Today we’d like to introduce you to Deborah Weiss.

Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
If you have ever seen a publication written in a foreign language, the only way you might be able to comprehend the content would be to take clues from the photographs/pictures.

This is how and why I became an artist. I started school at a very young age and was unable to read and follow along in textbooks. Words were simply a collection of horizontal and vertical markings. My attention went directly to the illustrations, the only things on the page that made sense to me.

I eventually caught up with my peers, however those early years led me to become a very visual thinker. Now decades later, I celebrate imagery as a universal language. Without text, imagery allows for a common discourse and with nonrepresentational work, inclusive creative interpretation.

Please tell us about your art.
For many years I was solely a printmaker and in the early years exclusively a woodcut artist. As I found my way to painting, some of the techniques and ways of thinking about process followed me.

Currently my paintings begin with strong gestural sweeps of line on a white background. Linear/visual information covers most of the painting surface (usually a wood panel). I then begin to edit back, by removing specific areas of paint until a cohesive composition starts to emerge. I can trace this editing process back to the woodcuts, where information is removed by carving out sections to reveal a composition.

As I am working, I am thinking about how I engage and perceive the natural world/the landscape. It is not usually in a bucolic way. I am processing the energy below, above and on the earth.

Climate, waves, wind and seismic shifts find their way into my work. I intentionally do not seek to capture a specific location, allowing the viewer to reflect upon their own experiences in the natural world.

As an artist, how do you define success and what quality or characteristic do you feel is essential to success as an artist?
Having a reliable skill set (technique) and pairing that with an expressive creative vision are the two components
that I try to draw upon each day in the studio. Working as a professional artist requires a strong level of self-motivation and commitment. It is a vocation that puts you in competition with yourself first. It is a lifelong
pursuit and investigation.

There is also the business side which is no different from any other profession. It requires, organization, planning
and knowledge…and of course attention to the “bottom line”.

How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work?
Following me on Instagram @deborahweiss277, joining my mailing list via my website will allow people to follow my work. I can be reached directly by email at In the Boston area via Boston Art and Becker Fine Arts, Newton.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Christopher Gardner Photographer (artwork)

Getting in touch: BostonVoyager is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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