Today we’d like to introduce you to Katie Nadeau.
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
My upbringing was a little off the beaten path when it came to wellness. My mom was a big fan of preventative medicine and we frequented health food stores. We went to the doctor for our yearly physicals but otherwise tried our hardest to not get sick enough to have to go. My first encounter with an alternative medicine doctor was a chiropractor- when I was younger I fell on the back of my neck and was experiencing a lot of body pain. The chiropractor opened our eyes to the whole world of alternative medicine and from there we found reiki. Finding energy work was a huge shifting point in my life. It taught me that I was a very empathic person which explained my childhood. As a child I would feel these intense emotions both good and back but rarely had the experience to go along with it. Learning that I was picking up other peoples energy and emotions and not just losing my mind was very reassuring! I also knew things a young child shouldn’t and was so much older than my physical body-through energy work I learned about past lives and soul memory. I got reiki II attuned while still in high school but it didn’t feel deep enough for me. My heart felt I was on the path to finding a forgotten aspect of myself but reiki wasn’t quite it. The next step was shamanic energy healing which fit much better. It incorporated Mother Earth and the directions. It had roots in places I had traveled and where my heart had felt at home (South America). I studied the modality, fell in love with it, began to practice it and then spirit tweaked it to perfectly fit me and what I was meant to be doing. It is constantly shifting as I continue to grow and as my clients continue to grow-shifting to what I am able to do and what my clients and the planet needs me to do.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Yes and no. I sort of just fell into this being a business. I started out learning about energy and different modalities because they spoke to me. It felt like I was reuniting with a part of me I’d forgotten. I never really saw myself having my own business but after I completed my 2nd year of a shamanic energy course I found myself making business cards and working on the people around me, friends and family. Then suddenly strangers where calling to set up appointments and I was creating a website. However, my energy wasn’t 100% in it yet. I LOVED helping people and working with my hands and putting my intuition/connection to spirit to good use but my heart was still set on traveling and living abroad. I was eager to finish college and “start” my life. I was very drawn to Peru and since I was a little girl had dreamed of living/traveling around central/south America. So while I was still in school I began setting up this business and trying to grow it and develop it and got to a pretty decent start. But as soon as I graduated I was off to Peru. Leaving the country definitely took a toll on all the growth id accomplished. I lost most of my clients. As mentioned, I believe the universe has plans for us and after 1 1/2 months in Peru I got sick and had to come back to the states. I strongly believe that was because I am meant to be focusing on establishing my business at this time and helping people process and move through this energetically toxic time in the world. As well as adding to my tool box of modalities. Traveling is still a passion of mine but I’ve come to realize it just isn’t the right time for that at this point in my life. Now that I have realized that my heart is 100% in Spirit Remedies and because of that the universe has been providing AMAZING opportunities for me i.e. this article.
So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Spirit Remedies story. Tell us more about the business.
Spirit Remedies is a wellness company focused on people’s spirit and energetic health. I do not “heal” anyone, I am just a facilitator for the clients own self to be able to heal themselves. A lot of the time I am just making room in their energetic body for them to be able to process things or receive new things. I use a mixture of modalities; reiki, crystals, smudging, essential oils, and shamanic based energy work. I am just a conduit for spirit and my/the clients spirit team to work through, I do what they ask of me and relay the messages they give me. Everyone has the ability to connect to spirit and their guides but sometimes we are too detached from ourselves or overwhelmed/stressed to be able to recognize the messages. That is where I come in. I work within people energetic body looking for blocks that need to be removed/reworked, stagnant energy, cords (relationship energy) that no longer serve their higher self, and fill with what they need to nourish and help heal those aspects and continue moving forward. We are energetic beings and as we move through life we are constantly picking up energy. Everything is energy, our emotions, our thoughts, our interactions, places etc. We pick up energy from all of these. I work to help clear and provide tools for people to be able to clear their energetic field and then I also go in deeper to work on releasing blocks that energy has created. These blocks can be from now, from childhood, from your lineage, or from past lives. The amazing thing about this work is that it works 7 generations forwards and 7 generations backwards. So that means that by doing this work you are potentially clearing stuff from your ancestors and from your children/nieces or nephews.
The thing I am most proud of is getting to be a part of people’s growth and spiritual journey. The best feeling is when clients come to me after having made progress of some sort or to tell me how different they feel. It is so beautiful to work with a client for a length of time, see their ups and downs, their struggles and successes and then to have them come to me and say they can really see a big difference within them self, their life or their relationships, whatever it is. That is why I love this work so much. I think what sets me apart from others is that my clients are more than just that. They mean something to me. I want them to succeed and be their true selves and receive all that the universe has to offer them. I am not just with them for the hour long session. I am available to them if they have questions or experiences they want to share or need someone to bounce things off of. I am invested in my clients and try to regularly check in on them. Even if they haven’t been to me for a session in a while I still like to check in on them every now and then to see how they are doing. I am not in this for the money. I am in this for the people and our Mother Earth.
Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I am a firm believer in the universe having plans for us. I used to try to control everything and after many struggles and uphill battles I have learned to just laugh at myself when I think I have anything “planned out”. I can dream all day long and come up with things I’d like to do in my life but trying to fit them neatly into linear time is just not practical. Now the way I know I am on the right path/ doing what I am supposed to at this moment in my life is when everything just falls into place. I call that being on the path the universe has for me but others may call that good luck. Spirit Remedies is a great example of that. I never planned to have my own business.
I was following my dreams of living in south/central America when I got really sick and had to come back to the states. This could be considered back luck or it could be considered what had to happen in order to get me back on my path and the path of Spirit Remedies being here today. I feel very grateful for Spirit Remedies and how it has come into existence and how it continues to grow. If I were to use the term “good luck” I would say I’ve experienced a lot of it!
- 1 hr shamanic based energy session (remote or in person) = $65.00 (20% off for new clients)
- JP energy circle (once a month)= sliding scale of $10-$15
- 10-15 min “tune up” and chakra balance (remote only)= $12
- energy cleansing salt scrub= $10
- essential oil blends= $15/5ml roller bottle $25/10ml roller bottle
Contact Info:
- Address: 82 South st, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Springfield, MA area - Website: spirit-remedies.com
- Phone: 6039695430
- Email: katie.ann5430@gmail.com
- Instagram: @spirit_remedies
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Spirit-Remedies-912459688893886/
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