Today we’d like to introduce you to Christopher Roddick.
Christopher, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
From a young age, I spent many hours of my days drawing and coloring any subject that interested me. I did that for many years, not fully aware of what I would eventually become capable of doing. However, in my late childhood and early adolescence, I actually stopped my artistic exploration due to the lack of support from my adoptive parents. They were old-fashioned and didn’t think I should keep on “doing drawings” and such things, especially when my drawing started delving into fashion designs. To this day, I still get really jealous when I see an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where the kid gets his sewing machine!
Despite some of this repression at home, my creative desires, although maybe a little dormant, seemed to still be stirring inside of me. Some time in my mid-twenties I picked up a brush and started painting. Nothing fancy – just the next iteration of the drawing and coloring I did as a kid. In a short time, and with great support from my partner and loved ones, I started to get better and better. Soon, I started succeeding outside of my inner circle, in terms of recognition and eventually sales. Still, it was my friends and family that really helped me to continue leveraging my talents, and ultimately expanding my creativity. I cannot thank these dear friends enough, as they were truly the motivation I needed to keep going and get to where I am today. I’m forever thankful knowing I have the opportunity to use my artwork to bring happiness and joy to some people’s lives and home.
I’m self-taught artist, Influenced and motivated mostly by my personal interests, imagination, curiosity and willingness to attempt something. Like most artists, I sometimes get blocked or frozen but I try to leverage experiences from my early life to keep moving forward.
From very early on, I had the ability to stare at a painting and dissect it, studying the artist’s movement, what colors they used, how they mixed the colors, what material and medium was used, and how they attained certain strokes. As I grew older, I began attending art workshops at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and taking classes. While learning to emulate the techniques of others, I knew it was important to develop my own style and methods, during this time, I also started studying many of “the greats” – Van Gogh, Da Kooning, Frantz Kline, Claude Monet, Winslow Homer, Jackson Pollock, among others. I was equally interested in how their lived their lives, as much as how they painted their masterpieces. Perhaps this allowed me an empathetic connection between their life stories and my own.
Provincetown has also been a wonderful venue for me – either as subject matter for my paintings, or just a place to retreat and get lost in my work. Its dramatic landscapes and coastal scenery awaken my innermost sensibilities, allowing me to express my creativity and be myself as an artist. Through my work, I try to capture subjects using bold color, various mediums, and sometimes create many layers and textures. This year, I departed a bit from bold color and created a series called “Back in time”, which features sepia toned/monochromatic pieces. These paintings are set mostly between the 1930s and 70s. It’s important for me to be motivated by, or connected to, a memory, a feeling. The “Back in Time” series is my homage to my “second mom” who has been in declining health and losing her memory. In a way, these paintings freeze time for her- at least I can hope they do.
I work to evolve my art constantly. What I created in 2014 looks and evokes differently than my contemporary work. A wider range of my pieces and collections can be seen on my website and social media listed on the bottom of this article. I’m also currently being represented by the Stewart Clifford Gallery in Provincetown, MA, and several of my pieces are featured in the gallery’s summer show, “A moment in Place and Time”, through July 11th. Additional paintings have been displayed and featured at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Fenway Community Health Center, Boston City Hall, The Gallery Event, The Menino Arts Center and The Switch Co-op and others.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Just like anyone else, I certainly had obstacles and challenges along the way, and it has at times been a bumpy road for me, but I held on really tight. That said, I recognize that the “down” times are part of making you who you are, not just as an artist but also as a person. My friend often tells me, “Chris, you have to go through chicken shit to get to chicken salad.” How true.
My message to any artist is to embrace the down times, try to find intrinsic motivation in it that ultimately finds a place in your work. Use it as an outlet.
Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Chris Roddick Art – what should we know?
I’m Chris Roddick Art – I basically create my art and try to inspire people with it, ultimately attracting folks that think my art will connect them to a more peaceful place.
I attended Northeastern University in Boston where I graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology Engineering & Management. I completed my degree while working full time as a Program Manager at Massachusetts General Hospital Radiology.
Although I work full-time in another field, I do consider myself a full-time artist, as I work nights and weekends around the clock on creating paintings for shows and commissions.
Beyond art shows, publications, nominations and awards, the biggest reward for me is creating art that people truly love, connect with, and enjoy.
I don’t think I’m special. We all have particular experiences and challenges. While mine are not unique, some of my life experiences (goods times and bad) have become distinct motivators for me. Of course, the support of my partner, family, loved ones, friends have been so invaluable. I try to count these- and all my blessings-often.
What are your plans for the future? What are you looking forward to or planning for – any big changes?
I continue to try to find more time to dedicate to my art and want to branch out into different artistic ventures. I’d like to create unique art shows in or around Boston, where I will not only pour out my creativity on to paintings, but also tap into other artistic areas such as fashion, collaboration, sculpturing, and street art. I’ll keep on showing in Boston and Provincetown, but hope to introduce my work to the islands, other big cities and possibly abroad.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.christopherroddick.com
- Phone: 781-405-9329
- Email: chrisroddick@me.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisroddickart/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chrisroddickart/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/croddickart
Image Credit:
Christopher Roddick
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