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Check out David Long’s Artwork

Today we’d like to introduce you to David Long.

David, we’d love to hear your story and how you got to where you are today both personally and as an artist.
I started photography in 1970 with my first Canon FTB. I enjoyed traveling and beautiful natural areas and the camera seems as natural to carry as a back pack. I was active in photography until I got married and had a child. I probably did not pick up more than a point and shoot for 20 years. Then, in 2008, I was going on a trip to Italy and thought it would be nice to have a decent camera to record the adventure. Digital was just becoming popular, so I purchased a D80 Nikon with an 18-200mm lens and was delighted with the dramatic improvement that digital offered. I dabbled with shooting over the next four years when my son talked me into a Canon Mark iii and more importantly into learning Lightroom and Photoshop.

This was clearly the changing point for photography as I was now able to not only record better images but manage them in post-processing to reflect what I saw when I create the shot. As I retired from work in 2014, I was then able to devote a substantial amount of time to photography and travel. The last four years have been a rapid learning experience in improving my photography, both in the taking of the image and also of the post-processing. Coupled with that has been my opportunity to begin to lead workshops and meet and teach people about photography and the beauty of the world around us. It is a gift to have discovered this passion and know that I can do it for many more years and improve my skills.

We’d love to hear more about your art. What do you do you do and why and what do you hope others will take away from your work?
Landscape photography should be about all the senses. The image should conjure up memories of the light, the smell, the sound, and the feel that you had when you looked through the viewfinder. If I can finish an image and it not only recreates all of those for me but also for my audience, then I feel as though I have accomplished more than just showing them a pretty scene

What do you know now that you wished you had learned earlier?
In the world of so many people with a camera, try to develop your own style and passion. If you can, it will set you apart from the rest.

Do you have any events or exhibitions coming up? Where would one go to see more of your work? How can people support you and your artwork?
One of the joys of photography today is how accessible an audience is. I do show my work at competitions and shows as well as among my peers in clubs and workshops, but the electronic world also allows me to share it with audiences across the globe. Through social media and specialized websites, I can create and images that are seen by thousands of people within hours. This is mind-boggling to me. People from the far corners of the earth with see my work and pass it on to others when they reach out to buy or license an image which is nice. It validates that I am improving across a broad cross-section of people, some professional and many just appreciating my work.

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Image Credit:

David Long

Getting in touch: BostonVoyager is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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