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Art & Life with Amy Joyce

Today we’d like to introduce you to Amy Joyce.

Amy, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far.
Boston has always been my home—I grew up in the lovely neighborhood of Roslindale and currently live in West Roxbury (I did not venture too far). I love the city feel of the area I live in and adore how close I am to the Arnold Arboretum. It’s one of my favorite places to get inspiration from.

Since I was a child, I have had a passion for creative outlets and art was my favorite subject in school. Luckily, I ended up in an artistic career. I graduated with a BFA in Graphic Design and a minor in Advertising from Suffolk University and have been working in the design field ever since. A few fine art classes and a photojournalism course in college also set a solid foundation for me, but for the most part, I am a self-taught artist. In addition to art and design, I have been obsessed with photography since I got my first camera—a Kodak Disc 4000. (The instant gratification with digital cameras is so much better!) I view the world through a camera lens, I tend to frame everything I see as a photograph. If I could choose a superpower, it would probably be to have the ability to capture photos with just my eyes. No camera needed.

For most of my life, I made art just for the pure enjoyment of it. It was not until I got involved with Roslindale Open Studios that I began to sell my artwork. It’s a nice feeling knowing that my pieces have new homes and are there for others to appreciate.

Can you give our readers some background on your art?
I am constantly trying new things and don’t stick with one particular medium, which is why I categorize myself as a mixed media artist. I work with acrylic, linocut, photography, decoupage, and digital art. I love when an individual connects with my art, whether it puts a smile on their face or if it triggers a fond memory.

Some of my pieces are very special to me because they incorporate my family. I have included images of my grandmother, other ancestors, and memorabilia such as letters and postage stamps in my work. One painting I am really proud of is a portrait of my grandfather. It’s from a photo my father took of his father and it’s the first portrait I ever completed.

Do you think conditions are generally improving for artists? What more can cities and communities do to improve conditions for artists?
I’m not sure it was ever “easy” to make a living as an artist, but I think it is particularly difficult now because the cost of living is so high. It would be ideal if there were more affordable live/work spaces in cities. Boston does have some, but we definitely need more within the city limits. I would also love to see more local spots that combine art galleries with learning spaces. I would especially like to see that happen in Roslindale.

What’s the best way for someone to check out your work and provide support?
I will be exhibiting at Roslindale Open Studios on October 20 & 21, 2018. It’s a wonderful weekend where visitors can purchase local art and meet artists from the New England area. News of my art exhibits and recent work can be found on my Facebook page at I also have an Instagram account @BranchDesignBoston, which is a mix of personal images and my creative pieces. Due to my photo addiction, it’s my favorite social media outlet. My overall portfolio can be viewed at

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Photo of myself by Chris Lang

Getting in touch: BostonVoyager is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

1 Comment

  1. Kristina Joyce

    August 28, 2018 at 7:45 pm

    Amy, Wonderful account of yourself, your creations, and your community– all of which are evident in the art you make. Artists can play a large role in improving life and you certainly are doing that. Bravo!

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