Today we’d like to introduce you to Angela Gentile.
Angela, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
It is WILD to think about a period of time that in such a short duration is so vastly different! Sweat Remix didn’t happen overnight, that’s for sure. But, it was only two years ago, I sat in a classroom, kicking it with 150 high school students a day and feeling so stuck! As much as I loved that decade of public service, it also came with feelings of being buried alive in a job that didn’t align with my life goals, values and personality, perpetuating the Sunday scaries, panic attacks and caused lots (understatement) of stress! Yeah. Teaching can be that, or at least it was for me.
I didn’t really know how to “fix it” and just felt kind of stuck between the kind of career I wanted and where I actually was. I kept trucking along, hoping it would change, hoping I could change but and at some point, you have to shake yourself and say: STOP TRYING TO MAKE FETCH HAPPEN GRETCHEN!
Then, for graduate school, I started a wellness program for my school, hoping to vibe a bit more with something I loved. It got the gears turning to make the pivot and go full tilt changing the game for educator wellness, but I was still too scared to jump and the potential of feeling better couldn’t measure up to being comfortable, no matter how unhappy.
Until December 17th, 2015. I got the phone call that collapsed me to my knees, screaming at a gas station while pumping gas in the new car I had yet to show my dad and one that he would never get to ride in with me.
My dad had died. like..what? My dad??!? But I just talked to him Just like that. He had an aneurysm and he was gone. And it rocked me to my core. It was my awakening and division of my life, before death and after death. My life currently expressed in two major acts. It was his passing that spun me around from the Sunday Scaries and my own unhappiness and I was HELL. NO. FUCK THAT. Not one more second being unhappy. It was honestly the best gift my dad could have ever given to me: to teach me how to live.
So, just like that… I quit! And I took this idea of running a wellness program for teachers and ran with it! I was ALIVE for the first time in my whole life! I was in control of what I wanted, I was living out things every day that made me happy and brought me joy. So, for two years, I was serving it up at schools, helping teachers find a little piece of the freedom and electricity that I had newly encountered. I was super successful for the past two years until I decided to pivot again and well, here we are: enter Sweat Remix! It is a culmination of every event in my life, proving the space for people to zen, rage, heal and live a full life!
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Girl. Bye. A smooth road? I wish! Like roll out of bed and have a successful brand and company… I can’t even. NOTHING about starting a business and executing it to fruition is smooth! But even before that, the BIGGEST struggle is the conversations you have to have with yourself. You have to check in about what moves you, drives you, inspires you and what you want to do with your life every day. Those questions can be overwhelming when the answers to them are so far away from where you have currently placed yourself and the thought of getting to your dreams is just, well, too much.
Before I even decided that I was going to venture off on my own and start this “thing” I was thinking about, I had to come to terms with change. I had to jump, with or without a parachute and be confident that no matter what happened or how I landed, I was going to be just fine AND landing facedown is going to be a hell of a lot better than being stuck in a job I hate for another year or 30. Coming to terms with deviating from the expectation is a HUGE challenge and a concept that I battled with for years. It is easy to stay on the path that is paved, the life that is mainstream and looking up to others who are following the formula.
But once you recognize that you are different and that safe, paved, well-lit passageway through life is just…nauseating and boring and not at all for you, you can start to have the conversation with yourself about jumping. About getting rid of the golden handcuffs of a six-figure salary, benefits, stability and start having a conversation about what moves you, what inspires you and what you define as success. That is HARD convo to have. You have to really vulnerable and raw enough to answer it honestly, to go to places that insecurities keep you and don’t make you feel alive.
Then… BUCKLE UP! Running your own jam and being a badass lady boss is no joke. I think every day is a rollercoaster of epic achievement and terrifying lessons learned. Each challenge I face is a mix of “hell yeah I got this” and “Oh Shit, I didn’t know I needed to know that until I realized I didn’t know it.” That’s how it goes! So, I laugh, pick myself up, call my amazing support team, google lots of legal jargon and figure it out the best way I know how.
Sweat Remix – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
Sweat Remix is THE JAM! We are about to change the game and take over the fitness world, changing the way we look at wellness!
The class itself. is a 45-minute wellness remix of heart-pumping fitness and soul-feeding meditation. The Sweat Remix Xperience is the ultimate redirection to calm the mind, work the body, and feed the soul. The energy in class moves you like a great movie, song or any other work of art. So come ready to rage, sweat, break open and welcome your best life!
Sweat Remix comes from my own experience of living an unfulfilled life and getting the things I needed, the steps I took to live more… awake. We are get suffocated by the narrative surrounding us, the scarcity language we use and the tactics we accept that prey upon the vicious cycle of the above combination. We aren’t, we can’t, we don’t, etc. So, we “should” do more, have more, be more because we aren’t enough. Often times, this sadness is so unconscious and infiltrates our lives in ways we aren’t even aware of, except that feeling that something isn’t quite right.
The class is designed to zen, breathe and arrive in the space. We let go of the day and set ourselves up with an intention. Then, we RAGE, letting the workout create an opportunity to purge what we hold in our muscles, our body, our head, and our soul. Once we get that freedom, class ends with a guided meditation. Its like, you know when you go to a class and you had this kick-ass workout, but you leave and you are like now what? And you go home and you are still as sad, unhappy, lonely, insecure as you were before? Yeah. Sweat Remix combats that so you leave class feeling whole, full, empowered. The guided meditation fills up the space and allows participants to sit in vulnerability, connect with themselves and with others in order to live an authentic fulfilled life.
What is “success” or “successful” for you?
Success is getting up every day and getting to do what aligns with your values. It is that simple.
Some people define success monetarily, through stability, or accolades. I define it by how much I align who I am with how I spend my time.
What is it that moves you, drives you and defines the way you want to live? Answers to those questions and finding opportunities to live out those values are what life is about.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.sweatremix.com
- Email: holler@sweatremix.com
- Instagram: @sweatremix
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SweatRemix/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Image Credit:
Jenna Brynn Currlin, @StyledbyJBC
Getting in touch: BostonVoyager is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.