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Meet Alicia Chimento

Today we’d like to introduce you to Alicia Chimento.

Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
I truly believe life is a circle, and with a very grateful heart, what I’m doing right now is probably exactly what I am meant to do at this moment. I’ve been fascinated by color and shape since I was a kid. Growing up in NJ, the best toy I could get my hands on was a Colorforms set, and I spent hours fooling around with those pieces; arranging and layering endlessly on a little plastic board.

Born in Hoboken NJ, and growing up in a small city in the 60’s, my most anticipated vacation was heading up to the Cape in the Chevy Wagon for 2 weeks with the family, where I could wander the beach, see the stars, and watch the sun rise and set every night. The colors, the quiet, and the feeling of peace I had then has stayed with me for the rest of my life. Fast forward to college: Visual Arts major, Parsons School of Design, a brief time working in NYC as a Textile Designer, and Marriage/3 beautiful daughters. My obsession with color continued during this time while my creative outlet continued in building my Gardens. Space, placement, color, shape, connection with the earth, all helped me to develop a landscape artistry, while embracing a super busy life as a wife, mom, and obsessed dog mom.

In 1991, we were lucky enough to buy our own home on the Cape, and I began to paint again. Exhibitions, galleries, a small shop for Home Furnishings, more Textile Design, and a Home Staging & ReDesign Business have been exciting and challenging paths for me.

These passages have occupied my life for the past 38 years. But the thing that still makes me happiest is painting everyday. The sea and the land still inspire me daily, and when I’m in my studio in NJ or on the Bay, it feels like a little piece of Heaven. As Joni Mitchell wrote many years ago “. . . and the seasons, they go round and round, and the painted ponies go up and down, we’re captive on a carousel of time, we can’t return, we can only look, behind from where we came, and go round and round and round in the circle game.”

Please tell us about your art.
I’m an abstract landscape artist who often works in abstract expressionism and color field painting. I use many different methods to inform my work; sketchbook, photographs, memory, and visual observation. Often it is a combination of all these elements that are connected to me in some way; either obvious or subliminal, that determine the beginning of a series of work.

Putting down the paint and letting it direct me through the use of color, shape and mark making is the way I can gather the momentum to explore the direction I want to take. Sometimes the process is intuitive, other times more direct. It all depends on the mood I’m in, and the way I want to connect the viewer to the final finished piece.

The process of getting there always involves layers of paint, gesture, scraping, mark making and taking paint away. The thing that seems to be constant in my process is reducing elements to the simplest level possible.

Eliminating/simplifying. Working in the moment is what keeps me focused, and the connection between the literal and the abstract meet somewhere in between.

I love it when my paintings and designs can reflect the colors and textures of the things I see in the natural world; especially the elements of the sea and sky, and the organic shapes of garden and earth. Bringing those elements into the home through paintings or fabrics keeps the connection between inside and outside alive, and that is my hope for the viewer.

​My paintings have been exhibited in regional, national and museum juried shows and galleries in New England, New Jersey and New York, and are in private collections throughout the country. I live in NJ and paint and design from my studio there, and on Cape Cod, MA, overlooking the Bay.

We often hear from artists that being an artist can be lonely. Any advice for those looking to connect with other artists?
It’s tough to create in a vacuum. Connect with other artists on instagram/social media sites like pinterest/facebook. Take art classes/workshops. Get out there and always remember that artists are super nice people who always want to share and help other artists. Easy to say, but sometimes all it takes is a little break to begin a connection with someone who understands that professional art making is a hard process in the beginning. Most important: keep working and stay true to yourself. The rest will follow!

How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work?
Much of my ART is available:

Through my website:
On Instagram @aliciachimentoart

Occasionally my work can be viewed at Cape Cod Art Center Exhibitions.

Beginning in October, my work will available at Piermont Straus Gallery, in Piermont, NY

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Alicia Chimento

Getting in touch: BostonVoyager is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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